7 Common Web Design Mistakes To Avoid in 2021

7 Common Web Design Mistakes To Avoid in 2021

It is not easy to master website design. For a number of businesses, it can be difficult to create a site that generates revenue and boosts conversions. You may have a visually appealing site but it is necessary for your site to generate money also. If your site doesn’t boost the conversion rates but has good looks only then it is a very big mistake. There is a possibility of so much damage to your business because of these mistakes. The customers can have difficulty in purchasing as a result of these. The chances of visitors to move away increase with these. Here are the 7 common web design mistakes to avoid in 2021.

  1. Design is not responsive –For a website, a feature that is most important is a responsive design. Regardless of whether you are using a desktop or a smartphone, anyone can access your site if it has a responsive design. By making the use of CSS3 media queries you can create web pages that make your web design responsive. The CSS media queries help in changing the presentation of the web page that is built by using HTML code so that you can access it via a smartphone, a desktop or a tablet.
  2. No use of favicon – At the time of browsing a site, a large number of users take interest in a number of tabs. For reviewing the tabs in the future, a few visitors leave these open. The users can orient themselves with the help of a visual cue known as Favicons. They can get the desired thing on the website and then during browsing they can come back to the tab.
  3. 404 pages are generic – The pages that kill the traffic silently are 404 pages. A research suggests that for resolving the problem, a positive action is not taken by a large number of users. A lot of users bounce back from your site.
  4. Use of carousels for your homepage – It is not terrible to use carousels. If the carousels automatically scroll then the problem arises. They reduce visibility by inducing banner blindness and as a result they kill conversions. The website visitors get annoyed and distracted with these. As a result, a large number of visitors do not get converted and bounce back.
  5. The speed of your site is low – Your website will be considered as very slow if loading of the web pages takes higher than 4 seconds. It has been found that more than 7 seconds have been taken by 70 % sites and this report has been given by Google in a survey. The chances of the visitors to bounce back increase with the slow speed of a site. If you take interest in keeping the visitors on your website then the best practice is that it has to take a maximum of 3 seconds to load. Your site rankings can also get affected with the page speed.
  6. The response time of the server is slow – A site can be slowed down if it has slow server response time irrespective of optimizing it for speed. You can call it a problem of performance if response time of the server is slow. So, a reduction in the server response time is necessary. A 200 ms reduction is recommended by Google. The potential causes behind this are as follows:

  • Starvation of memory
  • Starvation of resource CPU
  • Libraries and frameworks
  • Slow database queries
  • Slow application logic

For increasing the performance and speed of your site, it is necessary for you to optimize your web pages and along with this your server response times need to be sluggish.

  1. Your site does not follow design norms – There are some design conventions that need to be followed by your website. The users always expect these. Your site can be too flexible but you need to take proper care. If a user visits your site and doesn’t find the navigation bar then he will bounce back. So, it is necessary for your site to have all the design norms that are accepted.

If you take interest in the services of hosting, online marketing and lead generation then it will be good for you to contact a web designing company. An award-winning company will surely help you a lot.

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