6 Yoga Poses to Prevent Breast Cancer

6 Yoga Poses to Prevent Breast Cancer

The dread disease that is breast cancer is one with which many have had experience, whether they have been diagnosed or have been forced to watch another go through it. Breast cancer is the most common cancerous growth found in women. Approximately 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer over their lifetime, while 1 in 400 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer treatment. The bad news is that we still don’t know exactly what causes breast cancer, but there are things we can do to reduce our risk of developing this disease. While there’s no way to completely prevent yourself from getting breast cancer, there are things that you can do to help decrease your risk.

The article aims at listing all the best yoga poses that can help women in preventing breast cancer. But before discussing this further let me tell you that, if you are planning to get a membership to the gym to start some workouts you should purchase the highly comfortable and stretchable athletic wear that must aid comfort during your workout and training session.

Practicing Cat/Cow Pose.

Cat pose and cow pose are two yoga poses that will help you build strength, flexibility, and balance. In order to perform this pose, you need to follow the following steps.

How to perform?

  • First, start off on all fours. Make sure that your hands and knees are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Next, push yourself up onto the balls of your feet so that you’re balancing on two points instead of four. From here, slowly drop down into a sitting position with your back straight and your head facing forward.
  • Next, round your back like a cat and then push it towards the ground as if you were trying to touch it with your forehead. Then, slowly come back up into a sitting position again.
  • Repeat this process for about 5-10 minutes each day or until you feel comfortable with it.

Practicing The Akarna Dhanurasana Pose

Akarna Dhanurasana, also known as Apanasana, is a yoga pose that stretches the stomach, and chest area and provides a good stretch to your body muscles.  It increases flexibility in the upper back and the arms while strengthening the core muscles as well.

How to perform

  • Start by kneeling on the floor, then bring your hands to the back and interlock your fingers. Now place your elbows on the ground and push down with them so that your chest comes off from the floor.
  • You can also place a pillow under your head for support. Spread your legs apart and keep them straight, then lift both feet off the ground and try to touch your toes with each other. This is a good pose for beginners, as it does not require too much strength to perform.
  • You can hold this pose for about 30 seconds and then release it.

The pose described above is a great way to strengthen your arms and shoulders, but it can also be beneficial for your legs. To do this variation, bring one foot behind the other and keep them together as you lift both of them up into the air. Try to touch them together with each other while keeping your back straight.

Performing Fish Pose.

Fish Pose is one of the postures of the Asana Ashtanga practice of Yoga. It is said that the word “Asana” originated from the Sanskrit word “VAsana”, which means a position that can be held for a long time period.

Benefits of the fish pose.

It helps to calm the nerves and relieve stress. It stretches the shoulders, upper back, and chest muscles making them stronger. The pose makes your spine flexible and increases blood flow to the brain. It helps to improve concentration, focus, and memory. It is also good for the relief of anxiety and depression. When you perform this pose on a regular basis it helps to improve concentration, focus, and memory.

How to perform the fish pose.

  • While performing this pose make sure that your shoulder and elbows rest on the floor in front of your body with palms positioned up on both sides.
  • The thighs are then pressed against the chest and the knees pointing forward. The body is in a straight line from the head to the toes.
  • The back should be kept straight without any curvature and the neck in a relaxed position. Also, make sure that there should be no strain on any part of the body while performing this asana.
  • The breath should be deep and slow while holding the pose. You can stay in the position for a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on your capacity to hold it.

Also as I discussed before, if you want to make your workout session more fun and distraction-free then, you must be wearing gym workout clothes that are lightweight and have sweat-absorbant quality as well.

Practicing Snake Pose

The snake pose of yoga, also called Sarpasana, was first introduced by the yogis as an exercise to promote inner peace and happiness. Today, there are many variations of the snake pose for different levels of yoga enthusiasts. The snake pose is a great way to start your yoga practice. It helps you get in tune with your body and mind, as well as improve flexibility and strength.

The snake pose is an incredible yoga pose for your back pain, and for reducing weight as well. Snake Pose also known as Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is one of the most important postures in Hatha Yoga and it can be practiced by everyone irrespective of age, gender, or fitness level.

How to perform

  • Begin in a seated position, with the spine straight and relaxed. Place your legs together, with your feet flexed.
  • Next, with one straight move pull your hands up to the level of the sternum (breastbone) and then bend forward touching your toes. As you come back up, engage your core muscles and stretch the arms overhead to a straight position.
  • Inhale as you bend forward and exhale as you extend upward.
  • Repeat this motion five times.

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