I am Fnatic Gabriël ‘Bwipo’ Rau. This is my journey of League of legends that has changed my life for the better. I still remember at the beginning of the year that I got my League of Legends account.
I wasn’t aware of the game but I was a huge fan of Heroes of the Storm and knew League was a MOBA. I remember watching a bunch of episodes of League of Legends: League Champions before playing it myself but never really playing it.
I started playing it on my own as a fun experience. After playing with the community and seeing how fun it was to play it gave me the push to try to join a pro team.
My Journey Of Esports League Of Legends:
After joining Wings of Liberty legend and the NA LCS on January 7, 2016, I have had the pleasure to be a part of the LCS roster for 12 months now. I have learned so much, and have learned it all from the people I have met within the LCS, the fans, and from the industry.
I have also met and have been able to talk to some of the biggest names in the League of Legends industry and Legends. All of the people in the league have helped me improve as a player and have been able to push me to become the player I am now.
I have had an opportunity to play in two different Worlds in a short amount of time. During the LCS summer, during the fall split, and during the spring split of 2015, I have been able to win the European Championship. While playing the tournament practice game sometimes my game became crashes so I use Hextech repair tools to solve it you guys also should use it.
I have played in the LoL Pro League, I have been able to get the highest ranking within the league, and I have gone on to get into the LCS. Every single time I have been in the LCS I have had the chance to compete against the best teams in the world and to be able to compete against them consistently.
Through all of my experience, I have been able to learn how to play with different teammates and what they like to do within the game. All of the opportunities I have had throughout the year have shown me how the game and the industry have changed. It has shown me the importance of being the best you can be and the importance of being in the LCS.
When you join the LCS you have to be the best, when you leave the LCS you have to be the best. The reason I decided to step away from being a part of the LCS is to become the best League player I can be and being the best player within the ecosystem that I am surrounded by.
The time that I have spent on the LCS has been amazing, and I will cherish it for the rest of my life. The time that I have spent in the LCS has shown me how much I love and appreciate the community of League of Legends. I have seen and done so much throughout the year and the community is amazing.
From watching LCS matches to attending IEM to seeing legends stream and share their thoughts on the game is something I will be able to remember for the rest of my life. I am so happy that I got the opportunity to work with the community and to learn from the community.
I have been able to connect with so many people and have learned so much through all of the people I have met during the year. I am happy with the changes that have been made for the 2016 season. I am happy that I got the chance to experience playing in the LCS in the past, and that I can do it in the future as well. I will always have the love and support of the community and will always be a part of the LCS.
I will always be a part of the league for the rest of my life. The journey that I have had through League of Legends and the professional scene has been incredible. I have been able to meet so many incredible players that have pushed me to become the player that I am now.
I can represent my team and the organization that I work with every single day. I have been able to improve and grow as a player because of the support that I have received from my teammates. I will always have their support. I will always have the support of the community that has supported me and the game that I love. I have a big challenge ahead of me and I am ready for it.
A special thank you to Fnatic, CLG, Echo Fox, TSM, Team Liquid, Cloud9, Liquid, P1, Splyce, Immortals, Team EG, Counter Logic Gaming, Team SoloMid, and Fnatic.
Fnatic has helped push me to become the player that I am today. I have learned so much throughout the years and I can say that my team is all involved in the improvement of my gameplay. To all of the organizations that I have been on, all of the organizations that have helped me get to this point in my life I would like to say thank you to every one of you.
I am so grateful for everything that you guys my fans have done for me, and I will never forget the time I have had with each organization that I have been a part of. I am so happy that I got the chance to go on a three-year journey, from my debut in the LCS to being in the LCS right now and then hopefully moving on to the LCS in the future.
Final words:
I want to say thank you to all of the teams and players that I have been a part of. All of the organizations I have been a part of are extremely hard-working and are extremely passionate about the game.
All of the teammates that I have had within the past three years have taught me so much and have helped me get to where I am right now. I want to say thank you to the amazing community that has helped me throughout my journey in League of Legends.